The water flow in the tank should resemble that of a river. Ideal tank mates include Tetras, Danios, and other Barb species. Add tank water: After the temperature has equalized, open the bag and add a small amount of tank water (about 1 cup) to it. Most aquarists agree that starting with a 125-gallon tank or larger is the best course of action unless you have a multi-aquarium setup. Cuckoo Synodontis Tropical Fish Learn all about the Cuckoo Synodontis's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. This is to help them camouflage from. Cuckoo Squeaker Catfish. Tank mates for a synodontis catfish? Wyvlen Jul 2, 2019 Forums Advanced Aquaria Discussion Forum Bottom Dwellers Catfish Wyvlen Exodon MFK Member Nov. Moreover, don’t keep small fish with your catfish. Make sure to keep only one male to every two females in your school of. This helps keep the water clean, the nitrate levels low, and the pH stable, replicating the clean, alkaline waters of their natural habitat. Synodontis Catfish are hardy and easy-going fish; who prefer temperatures ranging between 72 to 82°F and a relatively. synodontis catfish are pretty easy-going when it comes to behavior. Top compatible tank mates for African Cichlids include African Catfish, Red Rainbow Fish, Flying Fox Fish, Leopard Bushfish, etc. The Synodontis Schoutedeni Catfish is a relatively peaceful fish but can demonstrate territorial behavior towards other Synodontis catfish. The minimum tank size to keep a small group of 4 – 6 cuckoo catfish is at least 55 gallons (48″ x 13″ x 21″) , as this will give them enough space at the bottom and lets them establish their territories. Easily one of the more. May 15, 2023Avoid overcrowding: Synodontis catfish prefer to stay in groups of at least 4-5 fish, but too many tank mates or a small living space can cause stress and aggression. Upside Down Catfish. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. I would recommend focusing on fewer different types of fish in the tank and getting more appropriate schools of them rather than small numbers of so many different. Like their well-known relatives, the Upside-Down Catfish Synodontis nigriventris, the featherfin can swim upside down at will. This means they are more susceptible to diseases common in aquarium fish. Always avoid pairing your Iridescent shark with aggressive fish. The shallower a tank is, and wider it is, will be more suitable for them. As the name suggests, this catfish has the unique ability to swim upside down, which is an interesting feature to observe and serves as a survival mechanism in the wild. Read this guide to learn more about this species. Also, ensure that there is more than one hiding spot per tank. Large Tetras and Barbs. Tank Mates. Some other good examples of compatible tank mates for Livingstoni Cichlid are Rafael Catfish, Plecos, Synodontis catfish, and Larger Rainbowfish. They are peaceful fish and do well in community tanks. Being peaceful in nature, Threadfin Rainbowfish do well with other non-aggressive species. Avoid small fish that could be intimidated or injured by the Pleco’s size. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. So for a school of 4 catfish you should count on a tank that is at least 50 gallons. On top of differing water requirements, the aggression of the Cichlids is practically nonstop. You DO need to exercise some caution. The average lifespan of an upside-down catfish is 5 to 10 years. These catfish are native to the African Lake Tanganyika, which is one of the lakes many African cichlids come from. Tank Mates. Min. Siamese Algae Eater. It is, therefore, advisable to provide foods that stimulate the natural desire for food. Synodontis Catfish can eat any sort of meal. Origin: Brazil. Most syno cats get between 4-7 inches and can live for over 10 years. The most common type of. It's my. African cichlids can be kept with Synodontis and Raphael catfish. Cuckoo catfish or pygmy leopard catfish – Synodontis petricola. Channa gachua tank mates. Choosing the right tank mates is crucial due to the Paradise Fish’s territorial nature. The characteristic ‘feathered’ dorsal also develops with age, with the first few rays developing long extensions. The water temperature should be 72° to 82°Fahrenheit (Around 75°F is ideal). They are also very sensitive to water fluctuations. Scientifically known as Synodontis nigriventris, Upside Down Catfish is a freshwater fish that is native to Africa and can usually be found in streams and rivers. As with most fish, there are a number of factors that can. Choosing suitable tank mates for your Fahaka Puffer can be a challenging task, as these fish are known for their aggressive and territorial behavior. Delhezi Bichir Tank Size. In a well-equipped aquarium, you will find it extremely easy to take care of your Upside-Down Catfish. Avoid anything that they. The Yellow Lab and Peacock cichlids are both African species, and can cohabitate in the same tank, provided that they are given adequate space and good conditions. Though there are over 120 different species of Synodontis catfish, the majority of them make great tank mates for cichlids. Siamese Algae Eater. Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons. The Red Zebras are a popular choice for a Kenyi Cichlid tank mate. February 6, 2021 / shamim1410. Synodontis are the dominant African catfish in the aquarium trade, because of their attractive colour patterns and generally peaceful nature, making them suitable tank mates for a community tank consisting of medium to large-sized fish. Synodontis Catfish work well something like Eupterus or Angelicus would be big and robust enough to live with these, or some of the humbug catfish would too, the spotted. Exclusive freebie: The Pictus Catfish eBook. 5). Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding,. 8cm (6-7 ") sg. angelica are all around 15 years old. I'm not 100% sure they are syno, but I'm quite sure they're not corydora as I thought. Siamese Algae Eater – Care,. For a 30-gallon tank, you can keep a maximum of three African cichlids. You will also need to add some plants and hiding places to the tank. Suitable tank mates include Corydoras, small Tetras, and non-predatory invertebrates like shrimps and snails. 9K. Synodontis multipunctatus tank mates. 8. This catfish is peaceful and can be kept with a wide variety of tank mates, including other catfish, cichlids, barbs, and tetras. The best tank mates for Frontosas are other peaceful African cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. Description. Larger tetras, rasboras, corydoras catfish, and peaceful gouramis can make suitable companions. Ensure the tank size is appropriate for the number of fish in it. The expected life span for Synodontis ocellifer is 5-10 years. Synodontis catfish; Large Plecostomus catfish; Clown Loaches; How To Breed. As long as this beautiful, berry-eyed fish is kept with a cichlid like the African cichlid which is too small to do it harm, it makes a great tank mate. They hail from the same East African Lake Malawi, allowing for similar water conditions and diet. They are large bottom feeders that. Some of the best-suited tank mates for electric yellow cichlids are: Other African cichlids species, including yellow tail Acei cichlids, Peacock cichlids, Red Zebra cichlids, Johanni cichlids, blue dolphin cichlids; Synodontis catfish; Jewel Cichlid; Red Tail SharksWhen choosing tank mates, consider the following factors: Size: Avoid small fish that could be mistaken for food. Bristlenose Plecos. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates. Origin: Bolivia, Paraquay, Brazil, Peru, Africa. Food and Diet. This spine is known as “adipose fin,” a common feature among many species of catfish. 8. The tips of its ventral, pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins are white, and the bases are darker. They commonly have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years, but there are reports of them living up to 25 years. Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons. Standard 125-gallon tanks usually measure about 72 inches across. If you have the means to keep a small group of adults, we recommend 55 gallons (48″ x 13″ x 21″) aquarium or more. The recommended tank size for one adult Delhezi Bichir is 100 gal. There are many factors to consider when choosing tank mates for your Angelfish. 1. For African cichlid tanks, consider a Synodontis Petricola catfish. If you have just one, or if spaces are scarce, the fish will fight each other for them. Synodontis Petricola is covered in numerous irregular dark brown spots, much smaller in size, and located on the head and ventral region. Siamese Algae Eater. What do fishkeepers have to say:Oh give me the stren. Their temperament is relatively peaceful for cichlids, but males can become territorial, especially during spawning. Synodontis Catfish (Synodontis eupterus) Native to Africa, Synodontis Catfish are large, peaceful bottom dwellers. Ensure the tank size is appropriate for. All Aquatic Arts brand plants and animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee, plus free email support! The Dwarf Cuckoo Catfish is one of the most attractively colored, manageably sized, and most popular fish of its genus! On sale today for $ 14. Candy Stripe plecos grow to around 5 inches long and can do well as the only pleco in a 25-gallon tank or larger with no other bottom-dwellers. The minimum recommended tank size is 20 gallons (76 Liters). Giant danios fish are good tank mates for jewel cichlids. The Blue Botia Loach is a petite freshwater tropical fish rarely found in standard fish tanks. If you have just one, or if spaces are scarce, the fish will fight each other for them. Tank mates . regardless of what you want to cram in with it. Cichlids, barbs, rainbowfish and other robust fishes are ideal tank mates; only the smaller species of synodontis should be kept in general community aquariums. Water changes are a crucial part of tank maintenance. Bumblebee Catfish would be right up your alley if you want a pet that is easy to care for. Because of this, even some cichlids and angelfish do not have compatibility with this factor. Alberti or “Bigeye Squeaker” Catfish (Synodontis alberti) Size: 8 inches (20 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 55 gal (208 l)Synodontis eupterus. Tank Size . Gourami. Ideal Tank Mates for Mayan Cichlid 1. Ideal tank mates include peaceful mid-to-top dwelling species like tetras or guppies. Examples of tank mates incompatible with. Native Range: Africa Max. Cichlids can peacefully be kept with many types of catfish. Pictus Catfish ( Pimelodus pictus) If you want a catfish with your cichlids, get a pictus catfish, which can also add to the aesthetics of your tank. The size of tank and the setup influence the level of possible aggression between tank mates. All Aquatic Arts brand plants and animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee, plus free email support! The Cuckoo Catfish is a very popular Synodontis species that is beautifully marked, stays a manageable size, and is perfect for a variety of medium to large-size fish tanks, including Lake Tanganyika biotopes! On sale today for $ 21. Some suitable tankmates for Synodontis catfish include: Other peaceful catfish, such as Corydoras or Loricariids; Characins such as tetras, danios, and rasboras; African cichlids; Barbs; Livebearers;. Since they are bottom-dwelling, the two species of fish pay no mind to one another and things are generally peaceful within the tank. It has an oblongated body, and a bit flattened from sides and a rather wide head with two pairs of barbs on its upper jaw and one on the under-jaw. The Featherfin Squeaker Catfish (Synodontis eupterus) originates from the White Nile, Volta and Chad river basins and surrounding feeder rivers and tributaries. The upside-down catfish ( Synodontis nigriventris) is a small catfish with the unique habit of swimming and resting upside-down. to success for the cuckoo catfish brood parasitism. They’re a shoaling species and like to stay in groups when possible. Raphael catfish have unique, arrow-shaped, cylindrical bodies. Lungfish and the Aba Aba don't make particularly good tank-fellows for bichirs either. Tank set upLifespan. If it lives to 30+ years, that would be valuable info for us. Tank size. Over 20 color variants exist, but red and blue are the most common. Care Level: Difficult. Avoid keeping venustus cichlids with small, timid fish or species that may nip at their fins. Tank Mates. The water should be clean and well-filtered, with a pH between 6. Filter: A good quality filter is crucial for maintaining water quality, with a canister or hang-on-the-back filter being among the most popular choices for this species. A hundred of others the ecat didn't pay attention to. They prefer neutral to basic water parameters with a pH from 6. Given. The Jaguar catfish can be housed with a wide range of non-aggressive medium-to-large fish species. Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons (189 liters) for 3: Adult Size: 4 - 8 inches (10 - 20 cm). Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. The recommended tank size for a full-grown bumblebee catfish is 20 gallons. Neons are small, schooling fish that come from the same region as angels. These young fish are often sold as Synodontis “Network” due to their attractive reticulated patterning. Water Temperature: 73 to 82 F. The aquarium will be big enough to give every fish swimming room without feeling cramped. The scientific name nigriventris refers to the fact that the belly of this fish is darker than the dorsal area. Lifespan. The dorsal fin is well developed, which extends from the gill line to the tail itself and is pointed at the end. Even though the temperature is not a critical factor, but the Upside-Down. 5 to 8. They do well with a water pH of 7. Most other tank mates, both large and small, will get along fine as long as they. The Right Water and Aquarium Conditions. The dwarf snakehead is a territorial fish,. Cons of keeping with Auratus. Their temperament is relatively peaceful for cichlids, but males can become territorial, especially during spawning. (125 gallons or more) they are generally pretty easy going towards their tank mates. This catfish is relatively peaceful with similarly sized tank mates, reaching an adult size of approximately 4″. The Cuckoo catfish well deserves its name as it will lay its eggs at the same time as its tank mates, normally members of the Haplochromis species. Synodontis Catfish: Your Guide To Care And Maintenance - Badman's Tropical Fish The Synodontis Catfish or Synodontis multipunctatus is a medium- to large-sized African. Synodontis Eupterus, also known as Featherfin Synodontis or Featherfin Squeaker, are a popular type of catfish that can be found in the rivers and lakes of West and Central Africa. For a fully grown-up fish, you need an aquarium that is at least 30 gallons in size equipped with a 30-inch aquarium hood. This species is also referred to as Mbuna Cichlid. This includes most 'pleco'-type catfish and even the occasional Synodontis catfish (though I've usually had good luck keeping many species of this genus with bichirs). Avoid similar-looking species as well as larger, more aggressive tank mates. jerdoni include Synodontis catfish, barbs, larger tetras, larger danio species, swordtails, rainbowfish, and others that are too large to eat it. Suitable tank mates for Keyhole Cichlids include similar-sized, peaceful fish. Float the bag: Float the sealed bag containing the fish in the tank for 15-20 minutes. Select tank mates of a similar size or slightly smaller than the frontosa cichlids. Synodontis are omnivorous and are most unfussy in terms of feeding. They feature a firm, bony head capsule extending from the backside to. This is what you hear people talk about most when it comes to this fish, and it’s for good reason. Being peaceful creatures, Electric Blue Acaras can coexist with a variety of tank mates. When considering tank mates for your Pleco, it’s crucial to select species that share similar water parameters and aren’t aggressive. Lighting. Some of the best-suited tank mates for electric yellow cichlids are: Other African cichlids species, including yellow tail Acei cichlids, Peacock cichlids, Red Zebra cichlids, Johanni cichlids, blue dolphin cichlids; Synodontis catfish; Jewel Cichlid; Red Tail Sharks The only way to sex Synodontis multipunctatus is by looking at their vents underneath. Ghost Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Amano Shrimp) are. In the wild pictus catfish inhabits in lentic waters and as a rule lives where the water flow is slow, the bottom is sandy or muddy. It is an omnivore and will eat most aquarium foods, including flakes, pellets, frozen, and live foods. 5 inches long and should be kept in groups of at least. If you want excitement and a fish with attitude, then these fish are for you! Share. Not all catfish genus originate from South America, a group called the Synodontis Catfish actually originate from the rivers of Africa. A full-grown Lace catfish needs a tank size of at least 29 gallons (30″ x 12″ x 18″). When stocking your aquarium, be sure to allow one gallon of water per one inch of fish. The larger ones need at least 30g and do well in hard water. Neutral pH (between 6. Catfish: Some species of catfish, like Plecostomus and Synodontis, can coexist with Salvini Cichlids due to their nocturnal habits and armored bodies. Tank Size. Moderate. Compatible With: African Cichlids. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details! February 9, 2019. Synodontis are African catfish, known for their peculiar look and interesting abilities. Good options include tetras, gouramis, and other non-aggressive cichlids. Cichlids have the most bulk, but as you increase their size, they usually come with aggression. Another worth remembering point is that African Cichlids love to hide. However, as long as your water hardness is stable and doesn’t shift, your fish should easily adjust to your local water conditions. Blue Orchid Peacock cichlids. Re: Synodontis euptera bloating. Nat Commun 13, 1723 (2022)) shows that individual pairs of these catfish learn. Read on to learn more about these 12 species and why they make good tank mates for electric yellow cichlids. The Synodontis Catfish is a fascinating and unique addition to your Jewel Cichlid tank. PinkButterfly, I have heard that most Synodontis species can live, on average, about 25 years--which goes along with what Mats said. Avoid anything that they can scoop up and swallow. Synodontis Catfish are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts who desire a striking and low-maintenance species as part of their aquatic community. They can be great Arowana tank mates, but their nocturnal activity might disturb the Arowana at night, so you will need to observe the activities of this fish initially. The Electric Blue Acara is commonly found in pet shops and online stores catering to aquarium enthusiasts. They are hardy fish with a striking appearance, making them a favorite among those who have kept them. Tank Mates. Within the morning, they present all of the habits of predators. Learn more about Dwarf Petricola (Synodontis lucipinnis), see. They inhabit different parts of the tank, reducing competition for space. Boasting over 2,000 species worldwide, these active bottom-dwellers add dynamism and diversity to any tank setup. Most nano catfish species will happily get along with the typical freshwater community fish like tetras, rasboras,. Breeding Pair: Select a healthy, well-conditioned pair. They are a relatively stocky fish, so they don’t require a ton of space to move. Corydoras are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including pellets, flakes, and live foods. They are quite large and sturdy fish that require specific water parameters and large tanks. Water Parameters. The bleeding heart tetra is aptly named after the bright red splotch that adorns the center of its body. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Other planting is beneficial but not essential. The Synodontis Catfish or Synodontis multipunctatus is a medium- to large-sized African catfish that is attractive, long-lived, and a great tank cleaner. Similarly, arowanas, flowerhorns, Oscars, and other similar fish will not bother a fish of a similar size, but if that fish can fit into their mouths, they won't think twice! Provide enough space for each fish. These bottom-dwellers are easy-going but have the means to protect themselves. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details. Exclusive freebie: The Pictus Catfish eBook. Juveniles may start their lives in 20 – 50 gallon tank before being moved to their more giant, permanent aquarium. Synodontis catfish; Starry Night Tank Size. A minimum tank size of 30 gallons (113. Another good bottom feeder to consider is the synodontis catfish. They are great tank mates for African cichlids and are really the only appropriate tank mate. Tank Mates. Large Catfish: Certain types of large catfish, such as the Synodontis species, can make good tank mates due to their non. Length: 8 inches Water: 72-79°F, pH: 6. I've got 5 fry and currently are in a breeder trap at the top of my show tank. Temperature 72-82°F. Flagtail catfish can reach a length of about 20 inches, but are typically between 12 and 16 inches long. These are neat fish that could be a lot of fun to care for in the community tank. The Forgotten Africans. Origin: India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Nonetheless, massive adults are uniformly gray. Tank Size: 30-50 gal (113-189 liters) Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C) Care Level: Moderate. #4. 17. South American cichlids are generally more peaceful than their African counterparts. Just be aware that they do not get along with fast-moving, long-finned species such as Mollies and Danios. Diet: Omnivorous, both vegetables and protein are consumed in order to obtain overall health. The water flow in the tank should resemble that of a river. Synodontis Catfish are easy to care for and make great tank mates for other community fish. The upside-down catfish ( Synodontis nigriventris) is a small catfish with the unique habit of swimming and resting upside-down. The featherfin squeaker is a pretty peaceful fish and can live happily with most non-aggressive species like tetras, gouramis, zebra danio, Rasboras, and plecos. An oddball of the clan, Synodontis nigriventris is arguably the most fun catfish in the aquarium trade. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details! February 9, 2019. My question is I would like to add a tanganikan pair of fish (something like a julidochromis species) that would be able to use the same space. It is usually an open spawning egg scatterer but it is also one of the few fish known to exhibit a method of spawning known as brood parasitism. Choose other peaceful fish of similar size to avoid any potential conflicts. Cons of keeping with Auratus Cichlid: Availability & Pricing of Electric Blue Acara. This catfish is peaceful and can be kept with a wide variety of tank mates, including other catfish, cichlids, barbs, and tetras. Pictus Catfish Facts & Overview. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details. These bottom-dwelling fish can help keep the tank clean while occupying a different area of the aquarium, reducing territorial disputes. Fahaka Puffer Tank Mates: Friends and Foes. Featherfins can be kept as individuals or in small groups. Many fish are shoaling fish, best kept in schools of 10 or more. This fish belongs to the Mochokidae family, which includes over 200. Their large size requires them to live. In this post, we’ll examine which fish make for good companions and offer guidance on how best to house your catfish with them. Synodontis Petricola is covered in numerous irregular dark brown spots, much smaller in size, and located on the head and ventral region. These fish readily accept lots of foods and aren’t picky. Do synodontis catfish lay eggs? Synodontis petricola eggs hatch out in about. 0 International The Hoplo Catfish is a bottom-dwelling fish that tends to keep to itself. It can get up to 11. Most American cichlids are compatible with Malawis’ as well but only with a compromised water ph of about 7. Tank Mates. 7. As peaceful fish, Rainbow Cichlids can coexist with a variety of tank mates. The Petricola Synodontis Catfish, also referred to as the pygmy Leopard Catfish, is found in east Africa’s Lake Tanganyika. Short description. And iridescents don’t know how to defend themselves. You can keep a male and three females in a 30-gallon tank. Catfish. Upside Down Catfish. Their body is dark brown with a few isolated small spots, adults have a dorsal fin in which each ray extends into long filaments that looks like a feather, giving it the common. If you look through the photos, it may give you an idea of their compatibility and potential tank mates. Synodontis Catfish. It is an omnivore and will eat most aquarium foods, including flakes, pellets, frozen, and live foods. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. So are rainbowfish and leopard bushfish. Not all tank mates you'll see ended up living in peace with each other long term: 55 gallons. Because these catfish are on the shy side, they do best in a tank with other peaceful fish. Mostly a bottom feeder and generally peaceful towards tank mates. The only good tank-mates for African Cichlids in my opinion, is more African Cichlids. Fast, Hardy Large Fish. The body of this species is elongated and narrow, and it can reach a length of 4 inches. As the house cleaners of the freshwater aquatic world, they reduce algae build-up and consume extra food that falls to the bottom of the tank. The tips of its ventral, pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins are white, and the bases are darker. When it comes to choosing tank mates, opt for peaceful species that aren’t small enough to be perceived as food. That small tank size could pose an issue as your fish gets older. 5 inches. The Red Zebras are a popular choice for a Kenyi Cichlid tank mate. These catfish can provide a peaceful and stable tank environment for your cichlids. The average adult in an aquarium is 6-8 inches and in the wild the average adult can reach 12 inches. Tank mates they tolerated while young can be bullied or. 99!Salvini Cichlids Tank Mates. Water Temperature: 64-74 °F. Bolivian Rams are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other species. Synodontis Angelicus is believed to be native to the freshwater rivers and lakes of West Africa, specifically in the Congo River basin. A popular variant of the Peacock Cichlids, these fish flaunt a combination of blues, yellows, and reds. petricola is actually bred quite often in aquaria. Nice aquarium right size for your synodontis catfishes careful have many you want to house has they can turn on each other I always played it by ear . As long as tank mates can’t easily fit into the mouth of your Paratilapia polleni, there shouldn’t be too many problems keeping them with other African cichlids. Juveniles are fine for a community tank, adults may eat smaller tank mates. Siamese Algae Eater. 5 to 7. Siamese Algae Eater. The Asian Bumblebee Catfish is generally peaceful, although it can be territorial with other bottom dwellers. Before spawning the couple (1 male and 1 female) are put separately and fed well. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details! February. The perfect tank size for Upside Down Catfish is approximately 30 gallons. Siamese Algae Eater. Synodontis Catfish Often bought when young, most Synodontis catfish need a fair size tank Controlling Snails Snails are a common problem, but there are effective solutions. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Most plecos make great tank mates for clown loaches. The best alternative would be to buy a small shoal of corydoras catfish. These catfish are often put in African cichlid tanks. 5 and 7. When. Having about 8 to 10 in. So for a school of 4 catfish you should count on a tank that is at least 50 gallons. It inhabits Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique. Before adding a catfish to the aquarium, be sure to take a few precautions to reduce aggression. Consider pairing these top 10 Peacock Cichlid tank mates in your aquarium: 1) Azureus Cichlid are mild mannered but you do have to watch for dominant males. Siamese Algae Eater. This allows the water temperature inside the bag to gradually match the tank’s temperature. Siamese Algae Eater. The Black Ruby Barb is an active, territorial fish that serves as one of the best Tiger barbs tank mates and most other tropical fish. Neons are small, schooling fish that come from the same region as angels. They prefer softer waters. Upside-down catfish are small fish that reach an adult size of 3. 1 Good Tank Mates for Silver Dollar; 12. This species occurs throughout West Africa from. These rivers have a rocky bottom, with an abundance of driftwood, large roots, and crevices, perfect for the Featherfin Catfish to hide from predators and scavenge. Suitable tank mates include other peaceful species such as tetras, rasboras, and dwarf cichlids.